It's official. Kendall is a mix of tomboy and girly girl. I love that she feels completely comfortable with who she is and embraces her inner ballerina and inner Spider Man. She wanted to be Spider Man for Halloween this year. She was the red one and her cousin Xander was the black Spider Man. Taylor was a Care Bear.
Kendall, Taylor and Xander had a great time Trick-or-Treating at Nana's office. They get spoiled there. This was Kendall's first year Trick-or-Treating by going door-to-door. I don't think she was very impressed. For one, she didn't think it was at all appropriate that we went to homes of people we didn't know to ask for candy. So that really limited us. I also think that she thought it was too much effort for the little candy that she got. Like I said, she got really spoiled by Nana's office. It's indoors, warm, and the offices are very close together so they get a ton of great candy in a short amount of time. I guess I shouldn't be surprised about her not wanting to go to neighbor's houses. This is the same child who freaked about the thought of a tooth fairy coming in at night to take her tooth and leave money. Needless to say the tooth fairy does not come to our house. Taylor was so cute. She kept practicing "Trick-or-Treat". She would have gone to anyone's house if we let her.
I was a little worried about Kendall going to her new school as Spider Man. The friends that she has been with since she was a baby at her old school know her so well and would have fully embraced her as Spider Man. Her new class has almost all girls and they are very princessy. They also do a lot of "You're not my friend" "You can't play with me". Kendall is really working through these issues in such a mature way. She tells me all the time about conversations she has with the girls about that being hurtful. My heart breaks for her but I try not to let her know that. So when I thought about her going to school as Spider Man I worried about what the girls would say. Would they make fun of her? Would they tell her that only boys can be Spider Man and get her to question herself? I just want to protect her. But it seems like my fears were unfounded. She seemed really happy and the few boys in the class thought it was really cool.
Kendall also went on her first field trip and first bus ride ever to the pumpkin patch. She loved it!
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